In the European Member States which are listed as "Statutory member" in the European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) it is possible to apply for the equivalence certificate "European Scientific Diver" (ESD) or "Advanced European Scientific Diver" (AESD) in their respective country. The basis for the issuance is the national certificate for research diving. This certificate is issued by the country's national committee for scientific diving (homepage ESDP). Research divers from the European region with the certification "European Scientific Diver / Advanced European Scientific Diver" are fully recognised in Germany.
AAUS or CAUS certified scientific divers with a valid, written AAUS or CAUS certificate can participate in a 1-week KFT crossover course with a final BG-recognised examination at a BG-recognised training centre in order to obtain the German certificate "Geprüfter Forschungtaucher" and the equivalent certificate "European Scientific Diver".
The employability of scientific divers from other (non-European) countries or with other (national) certifications for scientific diving is regulated in DGUV 101-023, section 5.5.5 and is subject to individual assessment by the contractor. The Commission for Research Diving Germany (KFT) will advise on any questions in this regard.
The training to become a certified scientific diver is multifaceted and the training centres sometimes pursue very different strategies to bring prospective scientific divers to the examination. Please contact the training centres directly to find out which courses are offered and when.
A detailed training plan for the courses can be found -->here (only in German)
--> Course Information Menüpunkt Aus- und Weiterbildung